Navigating Through the Challenges of the Sindh Literature Festival

Everyone desires success and comfort in life, but continuous success and ease often lead to complacency. The absence of challenges can make individuals lethargic, causing them to lose the drive and yearning for more. That’s why it is emphasized that for a fulfilling life, setting difficult targets and embracing challenges is essential.
In 2016, we few friends took up a significant challenge – organizing a three-day “Sindh Literature Festival” (SLF) in the bustling city of Karachi, hosted at the luxurious Beach Luxury Hotel. From the very beginning, the journey was fraught with difficulties, worries, and even encounters with fraud that left us astonished. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, the people of Sindh have shown tremendous love for the Sindh Literature Festival since its inception in 2016 until 2023. Thousands of participants, including children, families and youth have actively engaged in the festival, showcasing the admirable support from the people of Sindh. It is this love that propels us forward, enabling us to confront challenges and deliver outstanding performances despite limited resources.
The Sindh Literature Festival holds a unique position as the sole literary festival in Sindh that attracts significant speakers from across the country and beyond. Since its inaugural year, the festival has been publishing an annual booklet providing a comprehensive account of each year’s events – from topics discussed to speakers and moderators, musical performances, stalls, media coverage, and supporting institutions. Additionally, the festival maintains a dedicated website, Facebook Page, and YouTube channel, ensuring the preservation of every aspect of the event through video recordings, music, poetry sessions, theater, and photographs.
Returning to the theme of facing challenges, the initial hurdle was establishing the Sindh Literature Festival in Karachi. Not only did we overcome this challenge, but the festival successfully continued for three consecutive years at the Beach Luxury hotel. Unfortunately, in March 2020, the fourth festival faced an unprecedented obstacle – the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a severe lockdown just two days before the event. Consequently, the festival was canceled, causing significant financial losses that took considerable time to recover.
Guided by the advice of Apaa Noor ul Huda Shah and other compassionate individuals, in 2021, we shifted the Sindh Literature Festival to the Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi, receiving invaluable support from the entire team of Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi. We express our deep gratitude for their assistance. Having successfully organized the Sindh Literature Festival at the Arts Council for three years, this year 2024, we’ve taken on a new challenge by moving the festival from the Arts Council. All institutions, including the Arts Council, remain appreciated, and we anticipate returning in the future. The Sindh Literature Festival for this year is scheduled on March 02 and 03 at Frere Hall, Karachi. Speakers, and the complete schedule of the festival will be announced shortly. We hope, as in previous years, you will embrace the festival, actively participate, and contribute to its success.